


Jesus said that it is better to serve than to be served. Everyone is uniquely created with gifts and talents that can be used for the Kingdom of God. Powerhouse of Praise welcomes you to not only worship with us but become an active partner in advancing the Kingdom. Something as simple as a smile can touch the heart of someone who is oppressed by life's situations, and bring him/her into the presence of God who can transform his/her life.

We would like to invite you to come and join in with us in making a difference at our church and the community around you. All you have to do is show up with a willing heart to do what God has created you to do. Knowing what you were created to do is a matter of determining what your natural abilities or passions are; for example, if you are a teacher by profession, teaching a class is a likely place for you. If you naturally have a warm and inviting personality, being a greeter is a special place for you. Everyone likes to see a friendly face and smile when they come to church.

Finding Your Place in Ministry

Don't know where you fit in ministry? Let us help you find the best place for you. The first place to start is by praying and asking God. Preferably, the Holy Spirit will lead you to your divine purpose and calling in life. If not, there are spiritual surveys that one can take that matches one's natural gifts and talents with the spiritual gifts and talents in ministry. Sometimes confirmation comes as one begins to walk in a specific spiritual gift or talent. The main thing is to discover your divine purpose in God and to use your gifts and talents for the advancement of His Kingdom and glory. Powerhouse of Praise has a place for you.

You may wish take the on line Gifted2Serve Spiritual Gifts Inventory or the Lifeway Spiritual Gifts Survey. Just let us know your results and we will be sure to connect you where you can best use your gifts and talents.


Mens Ministry
Womens Ministry
Youth Ministry
Childrens Ministry
Music Ministry
Prison Ministry